Mission Control Package
- 12-month subscription*
- Works with credit cut codes from Omega-Skinz PPF, CovrGard PPF, SunRage WF.
With the MISSION CONTROL package, you get unlimited access* to digital patterns specifically designed for pre-cutting PPF, window films, etc., into the desired shape of your choice.
Search, select, adjust, and cut away.
No more hassle with cutting directly on car paint or glass.
This is included in the package:
- Full body car body parts (US, EU, and Asia)
- Car interiors (dashboards, etc.)
- Car windows
- Motorcycles
- Mobile devices
- Panoramic roofs
- Logos of well-known brands
- Helmets
- Car keys
Shadow Visor Package
- 12-month subscription*
- Works with credit cut codes from SunRage WF.
With the SHADOW VISOR package, you gain unlimited access* to an extensive library of digital patterns for car windows. These patterns are specifically designed for pre-cutting window films, allowing you to choose the pattern that meets your needs.
Search, select, adjust, and cut away.
No more hassle with cutting during installation or on the glass.
This is included in the package:
- Car windows
- Mobile phones and equipment
- Panoramic roofs
Lone Wolf Package
- 12-month subscription*
- Works without a credit code
With the LONE WOLF package, you get unlimited access to digital patterns specifically designed for pre-cutting PPF, window films, etc., into the desired shape of your choice. You also don’t need credit cut codes, giving you the freedom to use any film you wish.
Search, select, adjust, and cut away.
No more hassle with cutting directly on car paint or glass.
This is included in the package:
- Full body car body parts (US, EU, and Asia)
- Car interiors (dashboards, etc.)
- Car windows
- Motorcycles
- Mobile devices
- Panoramic roofs
- Logos of well-known brands
- Helmets
- Car keys
A subscription is established for 12 months and runs per calendar year. If a first subscription is taken out during the year, the remaining months of that year are calculated up to December 31. After that, a new year starts with a new annual subscription.
Credit codes or cut codes activate the software and allow the user to cut. With every full roll of PPF or automotive window film, the user receives a unique cut code. The number of square meters of film on the roll determines how many square meters you can cut within Shape Central. Once the user activates the code on the website, the software is activated. Multiple cut codes (and thus more square meters) can be entered consecutively.